Sunday, May 22, 2016

Microaggression Response

Microaggression is a new term for me since I am only used to words like racism and stereotypes for individuals that tend to insult or criticize another race. I never thought that common everyday conversations could be interpreted as microagressions. The earliest form of microaggression that I remembered was in first grade when I was in Virginia. I only remembered being one of the only Asian kid at my school, and one day during lunch, a kid asked me if I was Jackie Chan. At the time, I didn't know who Jackie Chan was and got confused when the kid asked me that question. The named continued to stick with me through elementary school when I finally learned who Jackie Chan was. This made me realized that  kids were joking around since I was Asian and named Jacky. However, this could've also meant that all Asians can be called Jackie Chan. As a kid, people often asked me if I could speak Chinese and often asked if I could teach them to speak it. This is also considered mircoaggression since they just assume I could speak my native language and ethnicity just based on my skin color. I never got angry at the kids, just a little annoyed because I heard it asked to me so many times. Now as a young adult, I have learned and experienced many different racial and sterotypical comments made by people. This also leads me to questions if microaggression is just human nature and it will always exist in society. 

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